CIBA Event: Association Patronage Award - The Hon. Mr. Justice Michael QuinnFeb 12Corporate & Insolvency Bar Association are pleased to award The Hon. Mr. Justice Michael Quinn a patronage to the association.Speakers:Lyndon MacCann SC, The Bar of IrelandGavin Smith, Partner, Head of Restructuring, DLA PiperKelley Smith SC presenting CIBA Patronage Award to The Hon. Mr. Justice Michael Quinn
Corporate & Insolvency Bar Association are pleased to award The Hon. Mr. Justice Michael Quinn a patronage to the association.Speakers:Lyndon MacCann SC, The Bar of IrelandGavin Smith, Partner, Head of Restructuring, DLA PiperKelley Smith SC presenting CIBA Patronage Award to The Hon. Mr. Justice Michael Quinn
CIBA Breakfast Briefing: Duties Owed to Creditors, Impecunious Corporate Litigants and Non-Party Costs Orders