Corporate and Insolvency Bar Association are delighted to welcome you to their Annual Conference 2024.
Details of the conference are as follows:
Date: Friday 5th July, Registration from 1.30pm, Conference starts at 2pm Location: Distillery Building, Church St, Dublin 7
Timetable (subject to change)
2pm Welcome Address:Kelley Smith SC, Chair CIBA
2.05pm Opening Address: The Hon. Mr Justice Brian O'Moore
2.25pm Talk by John Kennedy SC on Enforcement of Court Orders/Asset Recovery - given new directors duties, fraudulent/reckless trading, personal liability, attachment committal.
3.05pm Shareholder oppression actions - Panel Discussion
Chaired by Sally O'Neill BL Speakers:
Karyn Harty, Head of Litigation, Dentons,
Myles Kirby, Managing Director of Kirby Healy Chartered Accountants
3.45pm Tea/ coffee break
4.05pm Recent Developments in liquidations - Panel Discussion Chaired by Garret Byrne BL Speakers:
Sarah Jane O'Keeffe, Director, Corporate Governance and Compliance, Azets
Barbara Galvin, Partner, William Fry
4.45pm Fireside Chat: The Hon Mr Justice Michael Quinn interviews Ms Justice Mary Finlay Geoghegan.
5.25pm Closing Remarks: Kelley Smith SC, Chair, Corporate & Insolvency Bar Association
Followed by Dinner in the Rose Room, Clarence Hotel and a drinks reception.
CPD Points: There are 3 CPD points awarded